Gender-Based Wage Differentials in India: An Obstacle to the Economic Development

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Ensuring equal pay for women is not only a matter of fundamental fairness but also a powerful driver of economic development. Closing the gender pay gap contributes to increased household income, reducing poverty rates, and fostering economic stability and a more equitable distribution of resources. When women receive fair compensation, they are more likely to invest in education and contribute to a skilled workforce, enhancing productivity and innovation.

The Public Economist Gold Mohur

Reparations- The elephant in the room

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To examine the validity of reparations, we need to analyse the extent of the damage caused. In case of India (a former British colony), India was de- developed under British raj. British policy was designed to destroy India’s domestic industries (like handmade textiles ) by imposing asymmetrical tariffs, by dismantling the institutions that trained up producers, and in some cases even by maiming skilled artisans – all to create captive markets for British goods.

Issues in Migrant Social Protection

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A recent study by LSE found that 52% of urban workers went without work or pay and received no financial assistance for over a month. Bihar’s emergency assistance programme has been cited as a rare example of sub-national government’s efforts to identify, onboard and disburse payments to the migrants during the ongoing pandemic.

Crippled without Crutches

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This crisis has bared the picture of workers in the lowest rungs of our economy, who hold up crucial sectors and are all but missing when it comes to focused policies and dedicated social infrastructure. The central and state governments sure have announced migrant labourer registration measures and migration commissions to regulate hiring, recently.