Bangladesh has
seen both structural transformation and the rise of sectors capable of generating decent foreign
exchange earnings, which has helped policymakers sustain comfortable macroeconomic

The Policy Monitor
Bangladesh has
seen both structural transformation and the rise of sectors capable of generating decent foreign
exchange earnings, which has helped policymakers sustain comfortable macroeconomic
With new InsurTech players in the market like Acko, Digit and PolicyBazaar disrupting the insurance industry, traditional insurers must prioritize digital transformation to keep pace.
The IPR waiver would allow all countries to choose to neither grant nor enforce patents and other IPRs related to COVID-19 drugs, vaccines, diagnostics and other technologies for the duration of the pandemic until global herd immunity is achieved. This move harkens back 20 years to the HIV/AIDS epidemic, when affordable generic HIV drugs, made in countries where patents did not block production, began saving millions of people’s lives.
straightforward economic reasoning suggests that unemployment is an important determinant of the supply of criminal offenders and hence, the overall crime rate.
The costs of attending work for everyone would be the possibility of becoming a vector of transmission of virus but if the societal benefits of certain employees exceed their costs, adjusted wage payments should be made accordingly
At the stroke of the midnight hour, when the world is grimly awoken with the stark realities of the COVID-19 pandemic, India’s 130 crore people will have made their tryst with a nationwide lockdown that will last for 21-days. How does India’s economic misconduct continue to afflict and fragment society?
Economists love Uber. Or at least, it’s imperative that they do because it’s the closest you can get to taking the pure economic theory of textbooks and summoning it to real life. Uber managed to create an open market, governed strictly by the forces of demand and supply.
From a GDP perspective, nuclear warheads do just as well as hospital beds or apple pie. -David Pilling, Author of the Growth Delusion
The International Monetary Fund has lowered its global economic growth forecast for the fourth time in nine months as the risks still remain to the ‘downside’. According to World Economic Outlook (WEO) Update July 2019, global growth for 2019 is projected at 3.2 per cent and picking up to 3.5 per cent in 2020.
Fifteen years ago, the Audis and the Mercedes were reserved for the posh pockets of Kolkata, if at all they could be seen. Over the decade, the high-end cars have become a common sight. Nowadays, an Audi can be seen maneuvering the streets of an upper-middle to middle-class neighbourhood and […]