Doing away with the labour laws is no less than taking a U-turn from formal to informal employment.

The Policy Monitor
Doing away with the labour laws is no less than taking a U-turn from formal to informal employment.
he average age of India’s population in 2020 will be 28 years and India would be the homeland to the largest working population and yet the fear grasps our imagination whether we will miss our demographic dividend!
Universal Basic Income or UBI which was first mentioned in recent times in the Economic Survey 2016-17 has been selling like hot cakes in the build up to the Lok Sabha elections due in May with Congress president Rahul Gandhi promising a Minimum Income Guarantee Scheme and the prime minister […]
The ongoing tussle between the government and the RBI regarding various issues has seen a new turn with the resignation of Urjit Patel as the RBI chief and paving the way for the appointment of Shaktikanta Das, a former economic affairs secretary at the Finance Ministry, for the top job. […]
Why did I feel miserable when I learnt that I had scored 1.5/5 for my Tute test but immediately relieved when I found out that it was the group highest? Does loud music really affect the way I drive (my dad argues about it with me always)? Will I feel […]