The up and coming exercise in the world of luxury seeking class has been the exchange taking place in the NFT market. Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are unique, identifiable digital assets whose exchange between the creator and the buyer takes place in a cryptocurrency, usually etherium. It has stirred a lot of intrigue among investors. Whether or not it is here to stay is a question only time can answer, but while it is here, it has gained substantial momentum.
The Psychology & Economics Behind Buffet Systems
Published on :However, a lot more goes behind the inner workings of a buffet system than just our sense of consumption according to our sense of value rather than appetite. The law of diminishing marginal utility is at the center of the whole business model.
Does religion have a role to play in the development we aspire for?
Published on :Holy Cross and Bible
Book Review: Poor Economics by Esther Duflo and Abhijit V. Banerjee
Published on :The battle against global poverty has been going on for decades now and has been a topic of debate amongst various personalities including politicians and celebrities. Yet, as we all know, the problem remains. The book, ‘Poor Economics’ by Abhijit V. Banerjee and Esther Duflo, tries to explain a few reasons as to why the problem seems to be ubiquitous, especially in third world countries.
The Economics of Apple – What is the Apple Tax?
Published on :What causes Apple products to constantly push the price ceiling? Some people may be of the opinion that its greed. After all, like all business, Apple too is incentivized by higher profit margins. It has risen to the position of being one of the most valuable companies in the world.
The Pursuit of Happiness: Understanding the Easterlin Paradox of Growth Economics
Published on :What is happiness, really? In layman terms, happiness translates to satisfaction. Economists tend to relate happiness to the satisfaction of wants- fulfilment of desires through the consumption of goods and services that possess utility.